What is The Mentorship? Why did I decide to create it?
That’s it! I’m creating THEEE Mentorship. Everyone wants to know how I do what I do? Well here it is…
Many of you have watched my growth over the years and heard my stories.
Clearly I’m not the same person.
I’ve learned so FN much!
Is this woman even the same the person? (Scroll to the pics below to see my transformation)
NO I’ve advanced beyond belief in the past 9 years, the shift in 3 years has been quite insane to tell you the truth.
I’m a quick learner and not only that I’ve dedicated 100% of my time in my field. I’ve invested so much time and money into learning from Spiritual teachers and badass women mentors. Now I’m combining all my energy worker knowledge with my mentor skills to bring you…
The Mentorship
The Healers Journey
The Mentorship is a 3-4 month mentorship that will teach you the foundations of energy work, receiving healings, becoming a facilitator, and most importantly embodying the confidence to trust your ability. I started my career with facilitating and teaching Usui Reiki, IET, and many other forms of energy work. A few years ago I created my own modality Galactic Emergence because I wanted to teach energy work again. Within this process you will be learning the ins and outs of energy work such as, facilitating healings, receiving healings, space clearing, protection, ceremonial work, reading different frequencies, and being the practitioner/ mentor/ leader. This mentorship will take you deep within self and the astral.

Outline of the Program
This was a live program in 2023, so currently it will be all online. There will be 3 (1:1) deep dive sessions and 1 half hour on-boarding session. This program is for in person and remote clients.
The Basics…
Reiki Level 1 info and Attunement
What is Reiki and different healing modalities?
Why is energy work important?
How learning and receiving energy work helps you on your path to purpose.
Space Clearing...
Clearing space & holding space
Purpose of ceremonial work
Ceremonial work to invoke
Ceremonial work to clear (AHHH no one teaches these things!)
Reiki 2...
Symbols and Practicing (Attunement)
Energy body (chakra class)
Aura, entities, parasites, removing dark energies and low vibe beings
Channeling, Intuitive Guidance and Psychic energies
Catching the Vibe (Earth, Angelic, Galactic, Ascended Masters)
THIS will be the most important part of the program & why I created it.
Learning the 4 frequencies and receiving multiple attunements for each
What works for you?
Your energy signature, your clients energy signature
The work you are here to do, making things clearer
Learning these 4 frequencies are the GAME CHANGER, I'm utilizing Reiki as a base because its the foundational system everyone needs. Think of the frequencies as the luxury systems, Reiki is the structure, model, frame, and these frequencies are finishing pieces, parts that help you decorate, and make the structure feel like home. Your energy, your style, your vibe! Also your ability and knowing to protect your home, and sacred space with the energy that works best for YOU!
Advanced Reiki
You as the practitioner and leader
Attunement to Reiki Master Symbols
How to talk to clients?
Documents & verbiage for clients and customers.
Following the path, utilizing these skills for your purpose
Business ethics (pricing, packages, mentorships, booking, deposits)
Reiki as the base, but that’s just the beginning, this program is meant to transform...
Yes, you will be learning the Usui system of Reiki, but you will be receiving add-on attunements to different energies so I can teach you about the multiple frequencies I’ve learned over the years. I’m attuned to 4 different healing modalities and within these 4 modalities I’ve learned to work with the following energies: Earth (Elemental) realm, Angelic Realm, Galactic Realm and Ascended Master realm. In this modality and system that I created you will be attuned to all four. With this knowledge and attunements you will learn how to tune into each frequency and use it in your healing sessions. This is a system I created for safe easy access to these energies. With these specific attunements you will learn the following:
What are your strengths and weaknesses with certain energies?
Energy Signature of yourself and continuing your spiritual practice
Energy signatures of clients and how to work with them
Setting up sacred space for yourself (what energy really works for you?)
Clarity on helping clients with their path and purpose
Deep transformational work within the energy body
Cellular clearing, DNA EXPANSION, AKA you will have shifts moving through this mentorship
Cool things and fun facts about this Mentorship…
In this mentorship you will be teaming up with others to practice and receive energy work. One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard in the past is people have no one to practice on, which is why I wanted to create a group mentorship. You will have the ability to meet new people and build friendships with others on the same path. (Access to private FB group)
You will receive 3 Reiki certifications, Level 1, 2, and 3 (Advanced) . At this point in my career I don't really care about certifications, but I know this is important to many.
You will have access to all the content and replays permanently. Which means you can go back and redo attunements and watch the replays of trainings.