Is it super easy? NO
People look at what I do and think she’s got it easy, or she’s must be on her game all the time.
I just signed a new client today and we were talking about confidence. She was like I need to dive into my “inner Ashley vibes” something along those lines. She started speaking about my confidence and ability to show up.
Listen……ABSOLUTELY no one is confident all the time. The thing that people like me learn is resiliency because we are in it for longevity, not just the fast build.
My confidence has 100% sky rocketed over the years, but it took a lot of failing and getting back up to be able to be consistent with it.
Some of you saw my post the other day with “your shit shop” and all the naysayers in my ear since I started. You just need to learn to be stronger than the noise.
And ALSO you need to learn to stand firm in YOUR ENERGY SIGNATURE.
You are NOT your coaches, teachers, mentors, people you follow on social media etc…You are YOU 🔥
You are a finger print of the divine and once you get solid in that idea and download, it’s hard for anything to bring you down.
I’m in the “spiritual field” and I’m expected to BE a certain way…
Cheap, soft spoken, “nice”, gentle, pink stuff, or witchy stuff (you can’t do both), say my loves, smiley, hippy, happy, triggered, and the list goes on and on.
🔥I charge what I want to charge
🔥I’m a spiritual being and a business woman
🔥I’m Witchy and Galactic AF (that’s a very rare combination) 👽🧙🏼♀️
🔥I swear A LOT and I smile when I’m being mischievous or ridiculous (I smile when I’m having fun, I don’t do it to look happy or “nice”)
🔥I AM genuine with who I am, I’m not trying to put on a show, I’m not an actor
I AM a fucked up human being (like everyone else on this planet) that decided to go on a spiritual path to help myself, then intern help others.
Unapologetically being ME
I AM the student
I AM the teacher
Always 🙏🏻👽
The Ashley V energy is the fire that is here to burn your shoulds, boxes, expectations, and programming of what you’re “supposed to be”.
My intensity and ability to the annoy the FUCK out of basic people and basic societal programming is why I consider myself extremely successful in my endeavors.
I honor what is loved, hated, mocked, and appreciated when it comes to how people see me.
I honor it ALL. 🔥
Presales ending for the Mentorship tomorrow.
You will recognize yourself & your energy signature in this program.
You will no longer apologize for who you are, have become, and are about to be.
