Fuck makeup
Fuck Filters
Fuck Distractions
We live in a world where we are constantly distracted by illusions that keep us separated from SOUL.
At this moment on earth we are receiving serious downloads from the Divine to WAKE UP and honor our inner truth....
The Universe be like “hey humans want some high vibe upgrades? Well let me sprinkle all the shitty distractions to see what ya take?”
This month in my private membership container Supernatural Entrepreneur I did a reading for the group about what’s coming in during the month of August for their creations and business. The messages were great but the thing that stood out the most was DISTRACTIONS.
Let’s talk about Traction....when you get a grip on something, you get a hold on something. When you are ready to move forward with force behind you.
When you’re gaining traction you’re creating momentum and movement that is actually bringing you somewhere! Finally you see SUCCESS with your endeavors and Goals! You feel fulfillment, you have break through, then....
BOOM you are distracted.
DIS-TRACTION, removed from the grip you had and the momentum you were creating. You get thrown off course and it seems like it’s all going to shit. Or is it? Or does your ATTENTION remain on the distraction pulling away from the TRACTION?
Of COURSE....we had a powerful Lions Gate portal that opened up with a SHIT TON of low vibe DISTRACTIONS. I’m not going to lie there was a bunch of BS surrounding my life the past few months and most of it was just ridiculous to say the least. I’ve been praying to God to just send me Peace and he’s like “okay then cut the cord from anyone or anything that is taking that away from YOU, throwing you off course....Biiiiiitch.”
Me: “Damn God why you sending all distracting people, distracting drama, distracting problems.”
G: “Ummm I’m not sending you shit, you’re ATTRACTING the distractions because you don’t fully believe you are worthy of the reality you seek.....Biiiiitch”
Me: “Daammmmmnnnnn”
Basically sums it up right? These are some of the trials and tribulations of being HUMAN. Well I’ve learned a lot about distractions this year and it makes sense as to why I kept pulling the same FOCUS card reversed for months.
Stay FOCUSED during times like this. Don’t let the the glitz and glam of these “stories” being force fed to you determine who you are and the future of YOUR reality.
They are dressed UP
They are beautiful enticing lies that are here to control humans.
It’s like the woman who looks so beautiful on the outside, the hair, the makeup, the this and that. Damn she looks great online with all 800 filters and her glamorous life, but when you meet the real person, it’s nothing as it appears, it’s fake and fraudulent. Everything she did to make herself look beautiful was to DISTRACT you from who she really is. Which is a soul sucking Vixen. This is an example as to why humans need to learn to see through the 3rd , not just the physical.
We are all Susceptible to the distractions within the illusions that keep us fragmented and separated from our Souls Truth.
I have 10 more spots available for my Supernatural Entrepreneur Membership priced at $122 a month, after these spaces are sold the price will go up.This is my monthly Creation Container to help the soul led entrepreneurs get connected to their purpose and continue to step into their roles.
Why join? Why wait??
Especially when it comes to your purpose work and constantly distracting yourself with everything that is out of alignment with you?
For the next 3 weeks we are going to dive deep into the energy of Traction to relieve DISTRACTIONS. Then we’re stepping into the energy of the ALPHA. The Alpha knows and the Alpha laughs at distractions and understand focus, which is why they are the leader.
Get out of the chaos of the Collective and dive into your purpose. Or just keep cycling into the bullshit they’ll continue to throw at us day after day, month after month, year after year. Stop waiting to BE.
Join Supernatural Entrepreneur today
Link below!