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A Dream About Incarnation

Writer's picture: ascensionnxtascensionnxt

Yea I know it looks really hopeless at times...

Trust me, I had a moment yesterday looking at everything going on in the world....BUTTTT



I asked for guidance last night before bed and I received some in depth insight in my dream I’d like to share...



I asked my guides to give me guidance as to how to deal with the current state of this reality. How do I continue to move forward with my mission while the world is in such chaos? Mentally and emotionally at times it just seems extremely overwhelming.



So in my dream I was making plans to set up a meeting with a very important person for my business. This person was beyond my league, but I didn’t care I just said fuck it let’s do it!



In order for me to have the meeting with this person they needed some things done that I personally was not equip to do, but I said fuck yea anyways and I knew I would figure it out. I didn’t worry about the how’s I just KNEW I could do this, I had to do this! I had to meet this person.



As the meeting got closer I started freaking out because I was like “oh damn how am I going to do this?” All these crazy negative thoughts started running through my head and I thought of canceling the meeting. Then some unsupportive people around me started talking:



“ Idk maybe you need to let this go until you’re more equip to meet with this person.”



“There’s no way you can handle this person they are bad news and will eat you up and spit you out.”



“This is going to be too much of a head ache, let it go.”



My response: I contemplated everything they said and then I was like “FUCK THAT I’M DOING IT!”



The day arrived and I was like “FUUUUUCK what am I going to do?” Mind you I was still completely unprepared but I didn’t care I just knew it was going to happen.



There was no other option but to move forward. I just knew I could do it but I still didn’t know how. So I totally surrendered to my mission...



And guess what happened? The supportive people all came through at the last minute! They found all the people to handle the tasks that I couldn’t. It was a miracle and it all came together so well. Basically all the people I needed were there to do the things I wasn’t equip to do, and a lot of that was because my TEAM around me found the right people to full fill the roles I couldn’t. Also these people that fulfilled the roles were in arms reach, imagine that? I was so blinded by worry I completely forgot they existed!



So it all worked out PERFECTLY! And guess what my role was??



To show the fuck up and do what Ashley does best. I just showed up as ME. No preparing, no notes, I just walked in the meeting as ME. We talked, we had a great conversation, he loved me and we made an awesome business deal! I really didn’t have to do shit! At the end I was like “oh damn that’s all I had to do?” Also He wasn’t out of my league and we totally connected as equals.



Then I woke up from the dream and realized the message and how PROMINENT this is for humanity to hear right now.



This dream was speaking to us about INCARNATION:



Many of us incarnated during these times because we knew in our SOULS that we could do this, we could handle this, we are EQUIP for these current times. Here’s what I put together from the dream.



First...Me saying yes to the meeting was me saying yes to my mission on the planet and my incarnation now. My SOUL knows what I can handle and what I’m capable of.



Before I went to bed I asked my guides how to handle this chaos and continue to move forward?? The answer to that is to just know in my heart where I belong and where I stand regardless of how scary the unknown is. Your heart knows, it always leads the way when you let it. Remember I was freaking out when I was over thinking.



The unsupportive people around me were definitely my EGO telling me I made a mistake hence incarnating here during these times and trying to convince me that there’s no way I could complete my mission. I constantly told them to fuck off because I know who I am and what I’m here to do.



The supportive people who came through last minute definitely represented the Divine and my Spirit Guides. As soon as I surrendered, let go of fear and said fuck it’s happening, EVERYTHING fell into place. I got everything I needed right on time! Why? Because the Universe is limitless and so are you, you just have to believe.



Lastly the meeting....This dude showed up and all I had to do was be ME. It was so EASY, I felt instant relief in my dream when I allowed the “supportive people” to handle the jobs that weren’t mine and I stepped fully into being me. I could feel the energy shift in the dream and felt at ease as soon as I stepped fully into Ashley. Also remember we all have a role and we need each other to support the other roles. If we aren’t following through then nothing will change. We are a team, step into your fucken ROLE now!



Some of the big take aways from this dream are that BEING you is so important right now. Remember my success in the dream came through when I was completely authentic, trusted it was all going to work and spoke my truth to this man who was “beyond my league.” I feel this represents us as humans thinking our voices don’t matter, but they DO! The man in my opinion represented the tasks that we think we can’t handle, that are way out of reach! But are they really?? NO your soul knows!



Also if you feel alone just know that you’re not. A big part of the illusion in my dream was that I had no help and NO support which was a LIE. As soon as I let go of the fear the LOVE and support came through and shifted everything. Remember this is the Divine waiting for you to make the connection.



Last night I was so overwhelmed looking at all of the current events from Haiti, Australia, Afghanistan, and the fucken Paper Police BULLSHIT! I was like wtf did I get myself into being on this ridiculous planet right now?!?



Well I know exactly what I got myself into, and I know for sure I can handle this and what’s to come. There will be energies telling you different. There will be energies trying to convince you the light is gone. There will be energies trying to convince you that YOU and your VOICE don’t matter. That’s a bunch of bullshit! We have free will, we have the right to choose, we have the right to say I DON’T CONSENT.



Remember this, there are Godless beings on this planet who have NO ACCESS to the Divine, and the only way they can get a spark or flicker of LIGHT is to steal YOURS. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. It’s yours and your soul earned it! Don’t give it away!



REMEMBER who you are and you will find your way. Choosing to stay in forgetfulness and to blindly follow will only lead you into the darkness.





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