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Why am I leaving it all behind?

Writer's picture: ascensionnxtascensionnxt

The Boss…

The Queen…

The Innovator….




And most importantly stands firm when it’s time to pivot and shift to the next level.

Why am I leaving it all behind?

Why not?

Why drag the past into the future?

Why TRY to stay the same when you can easily evolve?

So what’s the main reason for the change?

2 words…

Sacred space 🔥

Saying yes to everything is a death sentence. 💀

❌Energy Leaks

❌Overly committed

❌Out of alignment

❌Forgetting boundaries

❌People pleasing

❌Catering to the masses aka bell curve, basic bitch bullshit

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🫠

“Bloody hell!” (Harry Potter voice)

Saying “NO” to the crap that doesn’t serve you anymore will give you direct access to the divine and your supernatural essence.

Saying YES to soul is divine living and a true embodiment of sovereign strength.

✨I heed the calling.

💀Most don’t even answer.

✨I listen to the divine speak.

💀Many can’t even hear.

✨I’ve learned to honor change.

💀Many are fearful of movement and fluid motion.

I said “Yes” to the physical expansion, now it’s a hell fucken NO.

Time to go back IN to experience spiritual expansion on many layers as a multi dimensional being.

🔥Sacred space is NOT created by allowing anything and everything to have access to you.

🔥Sacred space is created through ALIGNED decision making as to what shall be and what shall NOT pass.

🔥And most importantly sacred space is created through evolving, dropping IN and giving the divine MORE access while allowing lower consciousness to SIMPLY dissolve.

As humans we always tend to make these processes more difficult than they need to be.

We have this misconceived notion that “bigger is better” when less is waaaay more.

Way more than you can even imagine because it leaves room for true abundance and growth beyond human conditioning.

I’m ready to open the door to a program that is dedicated to sacred living and sovereign strength.

The divine Queen is calling.

Will you answer? ✨✨✨



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