I love myself.
I love who I am.
I love who I’ve become.
I love and appreciate the people who accept me.
I love the people that don’t accept me.
No one can tell you who you are.
No one can tell your story when you speak strongly about yourself.
No one will EVER BE YOU.
Self love isn’t easy, and it also seems really corny and cliché at times.
It’s a real thing that needs to be attended to.
I honestly feel it’s really sad and pathetic when people go out of their way to say hateful things about others.
Venting is one thing, but when your confidence comes from putting others down, that’s a very sad life to live.
Your confidence should come from love, not from hate. When you feel strength due to hatred it’s a false sense of security.
It’s actually insecurity.
When you feel strength through real authentic passion and love nothing can break that.
Nothing can break you.
Nothing can break real love.
Love yourself.
Appreciate yourself.
Be your true authentic self.
You only need you.